Mother’s Day 2020

Sunday, May 10th ~ Happy Mother’s Day

This was the BEST Mother’s Day! If anyone is ever looking to surprise their mom / wife, go no further. Do some of these things for her and you will have one happy mama who will feel so loved. I had to hold back tears multiple times today! I was surprised by Carlos and the kids with pancakes for breakfast and a decorated Livingroom. Ashley was very thoughtful with her planning. Her, Emily and David had taped pictures of me with the kids over the years to wall. They also blew up balloons and hung streamers. After breakfast, they showered me with presents and then we had sacrament meeting.

Emily and David made these “fan -cactus Mother’s Day cards out of construction paper, tape / glue, markers and foam stickers. It is supposed to be a cactus. They traced their hands for the cactus part. Inside Emily wrote “Mommy you’re fan-cactis” I know she must have meant fan-cactus…but I totally got it. They are so sweet.

Both Emily and David decorated mugs and Ashley gave me a boquet of lindor truffles.

I was honestly surprised with their creativeness and some of the ideas they came up. There was also a basket of beauty / self care items, like lotion, razors, a hairbrush, eyeshadow and lipstick. Carlos put together a gift bag for me as well with a video camera, a pair of capris and a nightgown. I was really spoiled this Mother’s Day!

Elder Juarez put together this little photo story for me on FB this morning. I loved it so much I took screenshots, so I will have them to look back on.

Later, I was able to video chat with Elder Juarez, which was wonderful. We even took a Mother’s Day picture together. Technology is so wonderful. Who would have ever thought that someday there would be a way to take pictures with each other when you are miles apart?

Jose showed up while we were talking with Elder Juarez. It was so wonderful to have all of us together again. I have really missed that! Hearing everyone’s voices all at once was the best. For lunch Carlos planned a picnic in the backyard and Elder Juarez shared this video with us.

Love this message! It is so true and a good reminder for all the moms out there.

After a little while, Jose went out to his car and surprised me with a heartfelt card, mother’s day teddy bear and a candle. All along I felt as if him just being here was a gift. He definitely surprised me! I loved everything. On my way to bed that I night, I caught glimpse of the bear as I walked downstairs and my eyes teared up in gratitude for being made to feel so special by my family and for having the amazing kids that I have.

We hung out in the yard for a while and later went inside to get out of the heat and into the cool basement. We watch one of the kids’ new favorite movies, Love Kennedy. They wanted Jose and Carlos to be able to see it too.

For dinner, Carlos barbecued some carne asada. It was delicious!!!!! I had planned to take a family picture after dinner when it was a little cooler out, but little David had fallen asleep during the movie. We saved him so dinner of course, but he missed the family picture.

Earlier while watching the movie the ice cream truck had gone by, but we missed it. So around 7pm, Jose offered to take his siblings on a ride to the DQ drive-thru to get ice cream. Plus, I think Jose has missed driving a stick shift. 😉

The kids miss having their older brothers around who can drive them places too. Jose paid with his own money and bought the girls the biggest ice cream cones. David and Jose got blizzards.

We ended the day with a few more pics and some smores by the fire.

Today I celebrated being a mom and my family celebrated me being their mom. I’m so glad Heavenly Father entrusted me with these 5 sweet children. ☺️ Sometimes as a mom I don’t always feel loved or appreciated, but it is days like today that remind me that I truly am. Motherhood is hard but very rewarding. This Mother’s Day, each child and my dear husband did something to make me feel special. I love them with all of my heart and soul. I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother’s Day as much as I did. 🥰

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